It’s been just over 30 days since Entra Verified ID became Generally Available (GA). I’m thrilled to share with you our latest update, developed by Emilia Borisova this summer: Verified Coupons (e.g., a ticket for an exclusive event).
Ankur Patel
Head of Product, Microsoft Entra Verified ID
My name is Emilia Borisova, and I’m an intern on the Decentralized Identity Team. I’m excited to share that the feature I designed and developed over the course of my internship is now available for preview. This feature provides functionality for setting a limit on the number of times a Verified ID can be presented per day, per user, and per credential type. We believe such an approach unlocks functionality for verified discounts, tickets, and differentiated experiences across a wide variety of scenarios such as travel, healthcare, retail, and more.
Sample usage: A closer look at getting one free cup of coffee with Verified ID
To help students jumpstart their week, Woodgrove Coffee is offering a free cup of coffee every Monday. At checkout, students can present their Verified Student ID and receive their weekly free cup of coffee. Woodgrove Coffee can notify students to come back next week when attempting to redeem for an additional cup. Functioning exactly as a coupon would, this feature is intuitive to use and expands the definition of what Verified ID is, further highlighting its endless potential.
How does it work?
Developers can use the Entra Verified ID APIs to programmatically specify the number of times a particular credential can be presented during verification. The image below shows a sample request where the field “maximumAllowedPresentationsCount” is set to 1 for a Verified ID that can only be used once. Thus, through a change of a single property value, the feature is seamless to use and flexible enough to support changes in presentation limits. Additionally, apps can programmatically configure their preferred value for the presentation count to build the most suitable offer for their customers.
If you’re interested in receiving access to this feature, please fill out this form.
Thank you for your feedback
We enjoy hearing thoughts and reactions from the community, so please let us know what you think in the comments below, on Twitter (@AzureAD), or in the Azure Feedback Forum. Check out documentation for further details.
Software Engineering Intern
Microsoft Identity Division
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