This blog post is to draw your attention to an issue that we had with one of our script update functions that we use in several of our scripts to perform automatic script updates. All the scripts that are using the broken function are provided on our CSS-Exchange repository on GitHub (the most prominent one is the Exchange Server HealthChecker).
If you run one of them manually or via scheduled task with the bad version released between April 6th and 18th 2023 the automatic update does no longer work and as a result, you must download the latest release manually to make sure that the automatic update logic continues to work.
You’ll find something like this being logged to the log file generated, if the script that you run is affected by the issue mentioned in this article:
Unable to check for updates: System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException: A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument ‘https://github.com/microsoft/CSS-Exchange/releases/latest/download/ScriptVersions.csv‘.
Not all CSS-Exchange scripts use this function, so here is a table of those that do. To download the latest version of a script, just click on the name on the releases page or below table to start the download.
Affected scripts where the automatic update was temporarily broken:
Affected script versions (those will not auto-update):
Fixed script versions (auto-update works again):
If you experience any other issue with the script or what to provide feedback (e.g., suggesting a new feature or improvement to an existing one), please let us know. You can reach out to us via email (ExToolsFeedback@microsoft.com) or by opening an issue on GitHub (this is the best way to track issues).
The Exchange Server Team
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