This week at Microsoft Build, we introduced Microsoft Entra External ID, our next generation of customer identity and access management (CIAM) solution that evolves Azure AD External Identities to help developers efficiently build secure and compliant applications for customers, partners, and more. As part of the launch, I want to tell you more about the important developer centric features we’ve created.
To help you get started on your application development journey we’re thrilled to announce our new Identity Platform Developer Center. It’s a one-stop shop for everything you, as developers, need to understand about identity concepts, learn the features of Microsoft Entra External ID, and how best to use the new platform to build awesome consumer facing applications. You’ll find tons of new resources and learning materials including:
- Videos & Demos: Conceptual overviews of CIAM, feature demos and how-to guides.
- Code Samples: How to integrate different application types with External ID.
- Tutorials: Step-by-step guides for your specific scenarios and use-cases.
- Blogs: Posts highlighting new features and releases, developer news and events as well as other interesting developer focused articles.
The Developer Center highlights specific solutions and answers to make troubleshooting easier for developers, especially when you’re working on tight deadlines and across multiple workflows. To get the full details and see everything the center has to offer, be sure to read our full article on the Identity Developer Blog and the Microsoft Entra External ID announcement blog.
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