With more than 1000 identity attacks occurring each second1, government agencies are tasked with serving the public amidst the most challenging cybersecurity environment in history. Protecting the freedom of citizens makes them a prime target for bad actors across the cyberthreat ecosystem, from nation-state attacks on our infrastructure to identity compromise. Expanding security threats put federal agencies and their most critical data at risk.
With recent innovations like phishing-resistant multifactor authentication (MFA) from Azure Active Directory – part of Microsoft Entra – government customers can deliver on their policy objectives, while adhering to cybersecurity guidelines and regulatory compliance.
In January of last year, the National Security Memo (NSM-8) was issued to direct civilian agencies to use passwordless and phishing-resistant multifactor authentication (MFA). Agencies hit their deadlines for compliance last month. We are delighted to help many of these agencies through key capabilities which help them meet their objectives, as they strive to serve the public.
Peace of mind through modern strong authentication
As a response to the NSM-8 and the Executive Order (EO 14028) on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, Microsoft has developed strong authentication methods that help agencies to do the following:
Remove the threat and costs of legacy, on-premises federated servers
Securely authenticate users with Certificate-Based Authentication (CBA) with certificates such as Common Access Card (CAC) and Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Card used by US Federal Agencies and the US Department of Defense. This supports CBA while reducing the attack surface and costs associated with legacy on-premises IT infrastructure.
Use the right MFA method for the right resources
Roll out modern, easy to use and phishing resistant authentication methods. Conditional Access Authentication Strengths helps you increase security while moving to phishing-resistant MFA and ensuring critical assets are protected.
Facilitate cross-agency collaboration
Combine phishing-resistant authentication (such as Azure Active Directory CBA, FIDO2, Windows Hello for Business) with Conditional Access Authentication Strengths with Cross-Tenant Access Policies to fully realize secure collaboration with other government agencies and commercial partners/contractors in any Microsoft cloud, while maintaining compliance.
Microsoft can help
Public servants deserve the flexibility to do their jobs using modern identity tools and modern mobility, maximizing productivity while still achieving the highest level of security – so they can focus on serving the public without worrying about identity attacks.
We’re proud to continue our partnership with government agencies to leverage strong authentication identity solutions that can help ensure data and identities are protected against even the most severe security threats.
To learn more about Microsoft’s work in implementing Executive Order 14028 and phishing-resistant MFA, please read more here:
US Government sets forth Zero Trust architecture strategy and requirements.
Best regards,
Alex Weinert (@Alex_T_Weinert)
VP Director of Identity Security, Microsoft
1 According to Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authentication log data. 2022.
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