Over the course of recent months, we have all embraced virtual events as an essential way to communicate and connect. Executive townhalls, employee training, digital conferences and customer engagements are just a few examples of popular scenarios. To simplify and accelerate your usage of Microsoft 365 for these scenarios we are delivering to you the Virtual Event Playbook. This comprehensive guidance provides you with information and tools to deliver seamless events easily and quickly for your audiences.
With Microsoft 365 you can focus on the content you are sharing and the attendee experience you want to create. Using Live Events, Microsoft Teams and other components of Microsoft 365 you can easily create experiences that will be meaningful to your audience and your business. We have organized the content by role and event phase to make it easy to find the information you need. To further support you we are also launching the Virtual Event forum within the Microsoft Technical Community so you can ask your questions, meet other event organizers, producers and IT professionals and participate in events with experts in the area.
This initial playbook covers the most common scenarios that we have seen and the guidance within it has been gathered from product engineering, field consultants, MVP’s, Microsoft Partners and others across our company. It is the comprehensive and official guidance from Microsoft for these services. We are currently working on additional modules for large scale custom events, device integration and industry specialties. We will be rapidly updating this content as new features become available.
More than anything we hope that you can use this guidance to continue connecting with the people that are important to your business, no matter where in the world they may be located. Events are no longer destinations. They are about the information shared and the connections nurtured through the available technology. Please use our resources, join the community, as always give us your feedback!
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