As announced back in January, the Windows Insider builds have a new “News & Interests” item that shows the current weather on the task bar, and if you click that, it shows news and interests:

Don’t ask me why the weather location isn’t in English, or how it picks what it displays (which is very similar, if not identical, to what you would see in the new Edge new tab page). But it’s pretty much guaranteed that at least some organizations will want to turn it off — assuming the feature ever ships in a Windows 10 release. (The feature overall reminds me of Active Desktop, seems we’re heading back that direction…)
There doesn’t yet appear to be a Group Policy setting available to do this (it is an Insider Preview feature still, so that’s not that unusual or surprising). But there is at least a user registry key that you can set to turn it off. You can see that value if you manually turn off the setting:

Watching with ProcMon will show the registry key that was modified, changing the value from 0 (on) to 2 (off):

It looks like the internal name of this feature is “Shell Feeds” (or just “Feeds”), hence the registry value name.
Since this is a user registry key, and not a policy key, you would need to set it for each user. This could be done via Group Policy (tattooing the value), GP Preferences, a logon script, etc.
If the feature does eventually ship, a policy should be added to turn this off. We can revisit this if/when that policy shows up.
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