Learn what’s new each week in Microsoft Intune in Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center. You can also find important notices, past releases, and information about how Intune service updates are released.
Each monthly update may take up to three days to rollout and will be in the following order:
- Day 1: Asia Pacific (APAC)
- Day 2: Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)
- Day 3: North America
- Day 4+: Intune for Government
Some features may roll out over several weeks and might not be available to all customers in the first week.
Check the In development page for a list of upcoming features in a release.
RSS feed: Get notified when this page is updated by copying and pasting the following URL into your feed reader: https://docs.microsoft.com/api/search/rss?search=%22What%27s+new+in+microsoft+intune%3F+-+Azure%22&locale=en-us
Week of July 27, 2020
Monitor and troubleshoot
Power BI compliance report template V2.0
Power BI template apps enable Power BI partners to build Power BI apps with little or no coding, and deploy them to any Power BI customer. Admins can update the version of the Power BI compliance report template from V1.0 to V2.0. V2.0 includes an improved design, as well as changes to the calculations and data that is surfaced as part of the template. For more information, see Connect to the Data Warehouse with Power BI and Update a template app. Additionally, see the blog post Announcing a New Version of the PowerBI Compliance Report with Intune Data Warehouse.
Week of July 13, 2020 (2007 Service release)
App management
Win32 app installation notifications and the Company Portal
End users can now decide whether the applications shown in the Microsoft Intune Web Company Portal should be opened by the Company Portal app or the Company Portal website. This option is only available if the end user has the Company Portal app installed and launches a Web Company Portal application outside of a browser.
Exchange On-Premises Connector support
Intune is removing support for the Exchange On-Premises Connector feature from the Intune service beginning in the 2007 (July) release. Existing customers with an active connector will be able to continue with the current functionality at this time. New customers and existing customers that do not have an active connector will no longer be able to create new connectors or manage Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) devices from Intune. For those customers, Microsoft recommends the use of Exchange hybrid modern authentication (HMA) to protect access to Exchange on-premises. HMA enables both Intune App Protection Policies (also known as MAM) and Conditional Access through Outlook Mobile for Exchange on-premises.
S/MIME for Outlook on iOS and Android Enterprise devices managed without enrollment
You can now enable S/MIME for Outlook on iOS and Android Enterprise devices using app configuration polices for devices managed without enrollment. In Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, select Apps > App configuration policies > Add > Managed apps. Additionally, you can choose whether or not to allow users to change this setting in Outlook. For general information about S/MIME, see S/MIME overview to sign and encrypt email in Intune. For more information about Outlook configuration settings, see Microsoft Outlook configuration settings and Add app configuration policies for managed apps without device enrollment. For Microsoft Exchange specific S/MIME information, see S/MIME scenarios and Configuration keys – S/MIME settings.
Device configuration
New VPN settings for Windows 10 and newer devices
When you create a VPN profile using the IKEv2 connection type, there are new settings you can configure (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > Windows 10 and later for platform > VPN for profile > Base VPN):
- Device Tunnel: Allows devices to automatically connect to VPN without requiring any user interaction, including user log on. This feature requires you to enable Always On, and use Machine certificates as the authentication method.
- Cryptography suite settings: Configure the algorithms used to secure IKE and child security associations, which allow you to match client and server settings.
To see the settings you can configure, go to Windows device settings to add VPN connections using Intune.
Applies to:
Configure more Microsoft Launcher settings in a device restrictions profile on Android Enterprise devices (COBO)
On Android Enterprise Fully Managed devices, you can configure more Microsoft Launcher settings using a device restrictions profile (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > Android Enterprise for platform > Device Owner only > Device restrictions > Device experience > Fully managed).
To see these settings, go to Android Enterprise device settings to allow or restrict features.
You can also configure the Microsoft Launcher settings using an app configuration profile.
Applies to:
- Android Enterprise device owner fully managed devices (COBO)
New features for Managed Home Screen on Android Enterprise device owner dedicated devices (COSU)
On Android Enterprise devices, administrators can use device configuration profiles to customize the Managed Home Screen on dedicated devices using multi-app kiosk mode (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > Android Enterprise for platform > Device Owner Only > Device Restrictions for profile > Device experience > Dedicated device > Multi-app).
Specifically, you can:
- Customize icons, change the screen orientation , and show app notifications on badge icons
- Hide the Managed Settings shortcut
- Easier access to the debug menu
- Create an allowed list of Wi-Fi networks
- Easier access to the device information
For more information, see Android Enterprise device settings to allow or restrict features and this blog.
Applies to:
- Android Enterprise device owner, dedicated devices (COSU)
Administrative templates updated for Microsoft Edge 84
The ADMX settings available for Microsoft Edge have been updated. End users can now configure and deploy new ADMX settings added in Edge 84. For more information, see the Edge 84 release notes.
Device enrollment
Corporate-owned, personally enabled devices (preview)
Intune now supports Android Enterprise corporate-owned devices with a work profile for OS versions Android 8 and above. Corporate-owned devices with a work profile is one of the corporate management scenarios in the Android Enterprise solution set. This scenario is for single user devices intended for corporate and personal use. This corporate-owned, personally-enabled (COPE) scenario offers:
- work and personal profile containerization
- device-level control for admins
- a guarantee for end users that their personal data and applications will remain private
The first public preview release will include a subset of the features that will be included in the generally available release. Additional features will be added on a rolling basis. The features that will be available in the first preview include:
- Enrollment: Admins can create multiple enrollment profiles with unique tokens that do not expire. Device enrollment can be done through NFC, token entry, QR code, Zero Touch, or Knox Mobile Enrollment.
- Device configuration: A subset of the existing fully managed and dedicated device settings.
- Device compliance: The compliance policies that are currently available for fully managed devices.
- Device Actions: Delete device (factory reset), reboot device, and lock device.
- App management: App assignments, app configuration, and the associated reporting capabilities
- Conditional Access
For more information about corporate-owned with work profile preview, see the support blog.
Device management
Updates to the remote lock action for macOS devices
Changes to the remote lock action for macOS devices include:
- The recovery pin is displayed for 30 days before deletion (instead of 7 days).
- If an admin has a second browser open and tries to trigger the command again from a different tab or browser, Intune lets the command to go through. But the reporting status is set to failed rather than generating a new pin.
- The admin isn’t allowed to issue another remote lock command if the previous command is still pending or if the device hasn’t checked back in.
These changes are designed to prevent the correct pin from being overwritten after multiple remote lock commands.
Device actions report differentiates between wipe and protected wipe
The Device actions report now differentiates between the wipe and protected wipe actions. To see the report, go to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Devices > Monitor > Device Actions (under Other).
Device security
Microsoft Defender Firewall rule migration tool preview
As a public preview, we’re working on a PowerShell based tool that will migrate Microsoft Defender Firewall rules. When you install and run the tool, it automatically creates endpoint security firewall rule policies for Intune that are based on the current configuration of a Windows 10 client. For more information, see Endpoint security firewall rule migration tool overview.
Endpoint detection and response policy for onboarding Tenant Attached devices to MDATP is Generally Available
As part of endpoint security in Intune, the Endpoint detection and response (EDR) policies for use with devices managed by Configuration Manager are no longer in preview and are now Generally Available.
To use EDR policy with devices from a supported version of Configuration Manager, configure Tenant attach for Configuration Manager. After you complete the tenant attach configuration, you can deploy EDR policies to onboard devices managed by Configuration Manager to Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (Microsoft Defender ATP).
Bluetooth settings are available in Device Control profiles for Endpoint security Attack surface reduction policy
We’ve added settings to manage Bluetooth on Windows 10 devices to the Device control profile for Endpoint security Attack surface Reduction policy. These are the same settings as those that have been available in Device restriction profiles for Device configuration.
Manage source locations for definition updates with endpoint security antivirus policy for Windows 10 devices
We’ve added two new settings to the Updates category of endpoint security antivirus policy for Windows 10 devices that can help you manage how devices get update definitions:
- Define file shares for downloading definition updates
- Define the order of sources for downloading definition updates
With the new settings you can add UNC file shares as download source locations for definition updates, and define the order in which different source locations are contacted.
Improved security baselines node
We’ve made some changes to improve the usability of the security baseline node in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center. Now when you drill in to Endpoint security > Security baselines and then select a security baseline type like the MDM Security Baseline, your presented with the Profiles pane. On the Profiles pane you view the profiles you’ve created for that Baseline type. Previously the console presented an Overview pane which included an aggregate data roll up that didn’t always match the details found in the reports for individual profiles.
Unchanged, from the Profiles pane you can select a profile to drill-in to view that profiles properties as well as various reports that are available under Monitor. Similarly, at the same level as Profiles you can still select Versions to view a the various versions of that profile type that you’ve deployed. When you drill-in to a version, you also gain access to reports, similar to the profile reports.
Derived credentials support for Windows
You can now use derived credentials with your Windows devices. This will expand on the existing support for iOS/iPadOS and Android, and will be available for the same derived credential providers:
- Entrust Datacard
- Intercede
- DISA Purebred
Support for Widows includes use of a derived credential to authenticate to Wi-Fi or VPN profiles. For Windows devices, the derived credential is issued from the client app that’s provided by the derived credential provider that you use.
Manage FileVault encryption for devices that were encrypted by the device user and not by Intune
Intune can now assume management of FileVault disk encryption on a macOS device that was encrypted by the device user, and not by Intune policy. This scenario requires:
- The device to receive disk encryption policy from Intune that enables FileVault.
- The device user to use the Company Portal website to upload their personal recovery key for the encrypted device to Intune. To upload the key, they select the Store recovery key option for their encrypted macOS device.
After the user uploads their recovery key, Intune rotates the key to confirm it is valid. Intune can now manage the key and encryption as if it used policy to encrypt the device directly. Should a user need to recover their device, they can access the recovery key using any device from the following locations:
- Company Portal website
- Company Portal app for iOS/iPadOS
- Company Portal app for Android
- Intune app
Hide the personal recovery key from a device user during macOS FileVault disk encryption
When you use endpoint security policy to configure macOS FileVault disk encryption, use the Hide recovery key setting to prevent display of the personal recovery key to the device user, while the device is being encrypted. By hiding the key during encryption, you can help keep it secure as users won’t be able to write it down while waiting for the device to encrypt.
Later, if recovery is needed, a user can always use any device to view their personal recovery key through the Intune Company Portal website, the iOS/iPadOS Company Portal, the Android Company Portal, or the Intune app.
Improved view of security baseline details for devices
You can now drill-in to the details for a device to view the settings details for security baselines that apply to the device. The settings appear in a simple, flat list, which includes the setting category, setting name, and status. For more information, see View Endpoint security configurations per device.
Monitor and troubleshoot
Device compliance logs now in English
The Intune DeviceComplianceOrg logs previously only had enumerations for ComplianceState, OwnerType, and DeviceHealthThreatLevel. Now, these logs have English information in the columns.
Role-based access control
Assign profile and Update profile permission changes
Role-based access control permissions has changed for Assign profile and Update profile for the Automated Device Enrollment flow:
Assign profile: Admins with this permission can also assign the profiles to tokens and assign a default profile to a token for Automated Device Enrollment.
Update profile: Admins with this permission can update existing profiles only for Automated Device Enrollment.
To see these roles, go to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Tenant administration > Roles > All roles > Create > Permissions > Roles.
Additional Data Warehouse v1.0 properties
Additional properties are available using the Intune Data Warehouse v1.0. The following properties are now exposed via the devices entity:
– The unique network identifier of this device.office365Version
– The version of Office 365 that is installed on the device.
The following properties are now exposed via the devicePropertyHistories entity:
– The physical memory in bytes.totalStorageSpaceInBytes
– Total storage capacity in bytes.
For more information, see Microsoft Intune Data Warehouse API.
Week of July 06, 2020
App management
Update to device icons in Company Portal and Intune apps on Android
We have updated the device icons in the Company Portal and Intune apps on Android devices to create a more modern look and feel and to align with the Microsoft Fluent Design System. For related information, see Update to icons in Company Portal app for iOS/iPadOS and macOS.
Device enrollment
iOS Company Portal will support Apple’s Automated Device Enrollment without user affinity
The iOS Company Portal is now supported on devices enrolled using Apple’s Automated Device Enrollment without requiring an assigned user. An end user can sign in to the iOS Company Portal to establish themselves as the primary user on an iOS/iPadOS device enrolled without device affinity. For more information about Automated Device Enrollment, see Automatically enroll iOS/iPadOS devices with Apple’s Automated Device Enrollment.
Device management
Tenant attach: ConfigMgr client details in the admin center (preview)
You can now see ConfigMgr client details including collections, boundary group membership, and real-time client information for a specific device in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center. For more information, see Tenant attach: ConfigMgr client details in the admin center (preview).
Week of June 22, 2020
App management
Newly available protected apps for Intune
The following protected apps are now available:
- BlueJeans Video Conferencing
- Cisco Jabber for Intune
- Tableau Mobile for Intune
- ZERO for Intune
For more information about protected apps, see Microsoft Intune protected apps.
Monitor and troubleshoot
Use Endpoint analytics to improve user productivity and reduce IT support costs
During the next week, this feature will be rolled out. Endpoint analytics aims to improve user productivity and reduce IT support costs by providing insights into the user experience. The insights enable IT to optimize the end-user experience with proactive support and to detect regressions to the user experience by assessing user impact of configuration changes. For more information, see Endpoint analytics preview.
Proactively remediate end user device issues using script packages
You can create and run script packages on end user devices to proactively find and fix the top support issues in your organization. Deploying script packages will help you reduce support calls. Choose to create your own script packages or deploy one of the script packages we’ve written and used in our environment to reduce support tickets. Intune allows you to see the status of your deployed script packages and to monitor the detection and remediation results. In Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, select Reports > Endpoint analytics > Proactive remediations. For more information, see Proactive remediations.
Device security
Use Microsoft Defender ATP in compliance policies for Android
You can now use Intune to onboard Android devices to Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (MicrosoftDefender ATP). After your enrolled devices are onboarded, your compliance polices for Android can use the threat level signals from Microsoft Defender ATP. These are the same signals that you could previously use for Windows 10 devices.
Configure Defender ATP web protection for Android devices
When you use Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (Microsoft Defender ATP) for Android devices, you can configure Microsoft Defender ATP web protection to disable the phishing scan feature, or prevent the scan from using VPN.
Depending on how your Android device enrolls with Intune, the following options are available:
- Android device administrator – Use custom OMA-URI settings to disable the web protection feature, or disable only the use of VPNs during scans.
- Android Enterprise work profile – Use an app configuration profile and the configuration designer to disable all web protection capabilities.
Week of June 15, 2020 (2006 Service release)
App management
Telecommunications data transfer protection for managed apps
When a hyperlinked phone number is detected in a protected app, Intune will check whether a protection policy has been applied that allows the number to be transferred to a dialer app. You can choose how to handle this type of content transfer when it is initiated from a policy managed app. When creating an app protection policy in Microsoft Endpoint Manager, select a managed app option from the Send org data to other apps, then select an option from Transfer telecommunications data to. For more information about this data protection setting, see Android app protection policy settings in Microsoft Intune and iOS app protection policy settings.
Unified delivery of Azure AD Enterprise and Office Online applications in the Company Portal
On the Customization pane of Intune, you can select to Hide or Show both Azure AD Enterprise applications and Office Online applications in the Company Portal. Each end-user will see their entire application catalog from the chosen Microsoft service. By default, each additional app source will be set to Hide. This feature will first take effect in the Company Portal website, with support in the Windows Company Portal expected to follow. In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, select Tenant administration > Customization to find this configuration setting. For related information, see How to customize the Intune Company Portal apps, Company Portal website, and Intune app.
Improvements to the Company Portal for macOS enrollment experience
The Company Portal for macOS enrollment experience has a simpler enrollment process that aligns more closely with the Company Portal for iOS enrollment experience. Device users will see:
- A sleeker user interface.
- An improved enrollment checklist.
- Clearer instructions about how to enroll their devices.
- Improved troubleshooting options.
For more information about the Company Portal, see How to customize the Intune Company Portal apps, Company Portal website, and Intune app.
Improvements to Devices page of iOS/iPadOS and macOS Company Portals
We’ve made changes to the Company Portal Devices page to improve the app experience for iOS/iPadOS and Mac users. In addition to creating a more modern look and feel, we reorganized the device details under a a single column with defined section headers so that it’s easier for users to see their device status. We also added clearer messaging and troubleshooting steps for users whose devices fall out of compliance. For more information about Company Portal, see How to customize the Intune Company Portal apps, Company Portal website, and Intune app. To manually sync a device, see Sync your iOS device manually.
Cloud setting for iOS/iPadOS Company Portal app
A new Cloud setting for the iOS/iPadOS Company Portal allows users to redirect their authentication towards the appropriate cloud for your organization. By default, the setting is configured to Automatic, which directs authentication towards the cloud automatically detected by the user’s device. If authentication for your organization must be redirected towards a cloud other than the cloud that is automatically detected (such as Public or Government), your users can manually select the appropriate cloud by selecting the Settings app > Company Portal > Cloud. Your users should only change the Cloud setting from Automatic if they are signing in from another device and the appropriate cloud is not automatically detected by their device.
Duplicate Apple VPP tokens
Apple VPP tokens with the same Token Location are now marked as Duplicate and can be synced again when the duplicate token has been removed. You can still assign and revoke licenses for tokens that are marked as duplicate. However, licenses for new apps and books purchased may not be reflected once a token is marked as duplicate. To find Apple VPP tokens for your tenant, from Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, select Tenant administration > Connectors and tokens > Apple VPP Tokens. For more information about VPP tokens, see How to manage iOS and macOS apps purchased through Apple Volume Purchase Program with Microsoft Intune.
Device configuration
Add multiple root certificates for EAP-TLS authentication in Wi-Fi profiles on macOS devices
On macOS devices, you can create a Wi-Fi profile, and select the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication type (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > macOS for platform > Wi-Fi for profile > Wi-Fi type set to Enterprise).
When you set the EAP Type to EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, or PEAP authentication, you can add multiple root certificates. Previously, you could only add one root certificate.
For more information on the settings you can configure, see Add Wi-Fi settings for macOS devices in Microsoft Intune.
Applies to:
Use PKCS certificates with Wi-Fi profiles on Windows 10 and newer devices
You can authenticate Windows Wi-Fi profiles with SCEP certificates (Device configuration > Profiles > Create profile > Windows 10 and later for platform > Wi-Fi for profile type > Enterprise > EAP type). Now, you can use PKCS certificates with your Windows Wi-Fi profiles. This feature allows users to authenticate Wi-Fi profiles using new or existing PKCS certificate profiles in your tenant.
For more information on the Wi-Fi settings you can configure, see Add Wi-Fi settings for Windows 10 and later devices in Intune.
Applies to:
Wired network device configuration profiles for macOS devices
A new macOS device configuration profile is available that configures wired networks (Devices > **Configuration profiles > Create profile > macOS for platform > Wired Network for profile). Use this feature to create 802.1x profiles to manage wired networks, and deploy these wired networks to your macOS devices.
For more information in this feature, see Wired networks on macOS devices.
Applies to:
Use Microsoft Launcher as the default launcher for fully managed Android Enterprise devices
On Android Enterprise device owner devices, you can set Microsoft Launcher as the default launcher for fully managed devices (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > Android Enterprise for platform > Device owner > Device restrictions for profile > Device experience). To configure all other Microsoft Launcher settings, use app configuration policies.
Also, there are some other UI updates, including Dedicated devices being renamed to Device experience.
To see all the settings you can restrict, see Android Enterprise device settings to allow or restrict features using Intune.
Applies to:
- Android Enterprise device owner fully managed devices (COBO)
Use Autonomous Single App Mode settings to configure the iOS Company Portal app to be a sign in/sign out app
On iOS/iPadOS devices, you can configure apps to run in autonomous single app mode (ASAM). Now, the Company Portal app supports ASAM, and can be configured to be a “sign in/sign out” app. In this mode, users must sign in to the Company Portal app to use other apps and the Home screen button on the device. When they sign out of the Company Portal app, the device returns to single app mode, and locks on the Company Portal app.
To configure the Company Portal to be in ASAM, go to Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > iOS/iPadOS for platform > Device restrictions for profile > Autonomous Single App Mode.
For more information, see Autonomous single app mode (ASAM) and single app mode (opens Apple’s web site).
Applies to:
Configure content caching on macOS devices
On macOS devices, you can create a configuration profile that configures content caching (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > macOS for platform > Device features for profile). Use these settings to delete cache, allow shared cache, set a cache limit on the disk, and more.
For more information on content caching, see ContentCaching (opens Apple’s web site).
To see the settings you can configure, go to macOS device feature settings in Intune.
Applies to:
Add new schema settings, and search for existing schema settings using OEMConfig on Android Enterprise
In Intune, you can use OEMConfig to manage settings on Android Enterprise devices (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > Android Enterprise for platform > OEMConfig for profile). When you use the Configuration designer, the properties in the app schema are shown. Now, in the Configuration designer, you can:
- Add new settings to the app schema.
- Search for new and existing settings in the app schema.
For more information on OEMConfig profiles in Intune, see Use and manage Android Enterprise devices with OEMConfig in Microsoft Intune.
Applies to:
Block Shared iPad temporary sessions on Shared iPad devices
In Intune, there’s a new Block Shared iPad temporary sessions setting that blocks temporary sessions on Shared iPad devices (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > iOS/iPadOS for platform > Device restrictions for profile type > Shared iPad). When enabled, end users can’t use the Guest account. They must sign in to the device with their Managed Apple ID and password.
For more information, see iOS and iPadOS device settings to allow or restrict features.
Applies to:
- Shared iPad devices running iOS/iPadOS 13.4 and newer
Device enrollment
Bring-your-own-devices can use VPN to deploy
The new Autopilot profile Skip Domain Connectivity Check toggle lets you deploy Hybrid Azure AD Join devices without access to your corporate network using your own 3rd party Win32 VPN client. To see the new toggle, go to Microsoft Endpoint Manager Admin Center > Devices > Windows > Windows enrollment > Deployment profiles > Create profile > Out-of-box experience (OOBE).
Enrollment Status Page profiles can be set to device groups
Previously, Enrollment Status Page (ESP) profiles could only be targeted to user groups. Now you can also set them to target device groups. For more information, see Set up an Enrollment Status Page.
Automated Device Enrollment sync errors
New errors will be reported for iOS/iPadOS and macOS devices, including
- Invalid characters in the phone number or if that field is empty.
- Invalid or empty configuration name for the profile.
- Invalid/expired cursor value or if no cursor is found.
- Rejected or expired token.
- The department field is empty or the length is too long.
- Profile is not found by Apple and a new one needs to be created.
- A count of removed Apple Business Manager devices will be added to the overview page where you see the status of your devices.
Shared iPads for Business
You can use Intune and Apple Business Manager to easily and securely set up Shared iPad so that multiple employees can share devices. Apple’s Shared iPad provides a personalized experience for multiple users while preserving user data. Using a Managed Apple ID, users can access their apps, data, and settings after signing into any Shared iPad in their organization. Shared iPad works with federated identities.
To see this feature, go to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Devices > iOS > iOS enrollment > Enrollment program tokens > choose a token** > Profiles > Create profile > iOS. On the Management Settings page, select Enroll without User Affinity and you’ll see the Shared iPad option.
Requires: iPadOS 13.4 and later. This release added support for temporary sessions with Shared iPad so that users can access a device without a Managed Apple ID. Upon logout, the device erases all user data so that the device is immediately ready for use, eliminating the need for a device wipe.
Updated user interface for Apple’s Automated Device Enrollment
The user interface has been updated to replace Apple’s Device Enrollment Program to Automated Device Enrollment to reflect Apple terminology.
Device management
Device remote lock pin available for macOS
The availability for macOS device remote lock pins has been increased from 7 days to 30 days.
Change primary user on co-managed devices
You can change a device’s primary user for co-managed Windows devices. For more information on how to find and change it, see Find the primary user of an Intune device. This feature will be rolling out gradually over the next few weeks.
Setting the Intune primary user also sets the Azure AD owner property
This new feature automatically sets the owner property on newly-enrolled Hybrid Azure AD joined devices at the same time that the Intune primary user is set. For more information on the primary user, see Find the primary user of an Intune device.
This is a change to the enrollment process and only applies to newly enrolled devices. For existing Hybrid Azure AD Joined devices, you must manually update the Azure AD Owner property. To do this, you can use the Change primary user feature or a script.
When Windows 10 devices become Hybrid Azure Azure Directory Joined, the first user of the device becomes the primary user in Endpoint Manager. Currently, the user isn’t set on the corresponding Azure AD device object. This causes an inconsistency when comparing the owner property from an Azure AD portal with the primary user property in Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center. The Azure AD owner property is used for securing access to BitLocker recovery keys. The property isn’t populated on Hybrid Azure AD Joined devices. This limitation prevents set up of self-service of BitLocker recovery from Azure AD. This upcoming feature solves this limitation.
Device security
Hide the recovery key from users during FileVault 2 encryption for macOS devices
We’ve added a new setting to the FileVault category within the macOS Endpoint Protection template: Hide recovery key. This setting hides the personal key from the end user during FileVault 2 encryption.
To view the personal recovery key of an encrypted macOS device, the device user can go to any of the following locations and click on get recovery key for the macOS device:
- The iOS/iPadOS company portal app
- The Intune app
- The company portal website
- The Android company portal app
Support for S/MIME signing and encryption certificates with Outlook on Android Fully Managed
You can now use certificates for S/MIME signing and encryption with Outlook on devices that run Android Enterprise Fully Managed.
This expands on the support added last month for other Android versions (Support for S/MIME signing and encryption certificates with Outlook on Android). You can provision these certificates by using SCEP and PKCS imported certificate profiles.
For more information about this support, see Sensitivity labeling and protection in Outlook for iOS and Android in the Exchange documentation.
Add a link to your company portal support website to emails for noncompliance
When you configure a notification message template for sending email notifications for noncompliance, use the new setting Company Portal Website Link to automatically include a link to your Company Portal website. With this option set to Enable, users with noncompliant devices who receive email based on this template can use the link to open a website to learn more about why their device isn’t compliant.
Admins no longer require an Intune license to access Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin console
You can now set a tenant-wide toggle that removes the Intune license requirement for admins to access the MEM admin console and query graph APIs. Once you remove the license requirement, you can never reinstate it.
Availability of Shell scripts on macOS devices
Shell scripts for macOS devices are now available for Government Cloud and China customers. For more information about shell scripts, see Use shell scripts on macOS devices in Intune.
Week of June 8, 2020
App management
Updates to informational screen in Company Portal for iOS/iPadOS
An informational screen in Company Portal for iOS/iPadOS has been updated to better explain what an admin can see and do on devices. These clarifications are only about corporate-owned devices. Only the text has been updated, no actual modifications have been made to what the admin can see or do on user devices. To see the updated screens, go to UI updates for Intune end-user apps.
Updated Android APP Conditional Launch end-user experience
The 2006 release of the Android Company Portal has changes that build on the updates from the 2005 release. In 2005, we rolled out an update where end users of Android devices that are issued a warn, block, or wipe by an app protection policy see a full page message describing the reason for the warn, block, or wipe and the steps to remediate the issues. In 2006, first-time users of Android apps assigned an app protection policy will be taken through a guided flow to remediate issues that cause their app access to be blocked.
Week of May 25, 2020
App management
Windows 32-bit (x86) apps on ARM64 devices
Windows 32-bit (x86) apps that are deployed as available to ARM64 devices will now be displayed in the Company Portal. For more information about Windows 32-bit apps, see Win32 app management.
Windows Company Portal app icon
The icon for the Windows Company Portal app has been updated. For more information about the Company Portal, see How to customize the Intune Company Portal apps, Company Portal website, and Intune app.
Week of May 18, 2020
App management
Update to icons in Company Portal app for iOS/iPadOS and macOS
We’ve updated the icons in Company Portal to create a more modern look and feel that’s supported on dual screen devices and aligns with the Microsoft Fluent Design System. To see the updated icons, go to UI updates for Intune end-user apps.
Device security
Use Endpoint detection and response policy to onboard devices to Defender ATP
Use endpoint security policy for Endpoint detection and response (EDR) to onboard and configure devices for your deployment of Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (Defender ATP). EDR supports policy for Windows devices managed by Intune (MDM), and a separate policy for Windows devices managed by Configuration Manager.
To use the policy for Configuration Manager devices, you must set up Configuration Manager to support the EDR policy. Set up includes:
- Configure your Configuration manager for tenant attach.
- Install an in-console update for Configuration Manager to enable support for the EDR policies. This update applies only to hierarchies that have enabled tenant attach.
- Synchronize your device collections form your hierarchy to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center.
Week of May 11, 2020 (2005 Service release)
App management
Customize self-service device actions in the Company Portal
You can customize the available self-service device actions that are shown to end-users in the Company Portal app and website. To help prevent unintended device actions, you can configure these settings for the Company Portal app by selecting Tenant Administration > Customization. The following actions are available:
Auto update VPP available apps
Apps that are published as Volume Purchase Program (VPP) available apps will be automatically updated when Automatic App Updates is enabled for the VPP token. Previously, VPP available apps did not automatically update. Instead, end-users had to go to the Company Portal and reinstall the app if a newer version was available. Required apps continue to support automatic updates.
Android Company Portal user experience
In the 2005 release of Android Company Portal, end-users of Android devices that are issued a warn, block, or wipe by an app protection policy will see a new user experience. Instead of the current dialog experience, end-users will see a full page message describing the reason for the warn, block, or wipe and the steps to remediate the issue. For more information, see App protection experience for Android devices and Android app protection policy settings in Microsoft Intune.
Support for multiple accounts in Company Portal for macOS
The Company Portal on macOS devices now caches user accounts, making sign-in easier. Users no longer need to sign into the Company Portal every time they launch the application. Additionally, the Company Portal will display an account picker if multiple user accounts are cached, so that users don’t have to enter their user name.
Newly available protected apps
The following protected apps are now available:
- Board Papers
- Breezy for Intune
- Hearsay Relate for Intune
- ISEC7 Mobile Exchange Delegate for Intune
- Lexmark for Intune
- Meetio Enterprise
- Microsoft Whiteboard
- Now® Mobile – Intune
- Qlik Sense Mobile
- ServiceNow® Agent – Intune
- ServiceNow® Onboarding – Intune
- Smartcrypt for Intune
- Tact for Intune
- Zero – email for attorneys
For more information about protected apps, see Microsoft Intune protected apps.
Search the Intune docs from the Company Portal
You can now search the Intune documentation directly from the Company Portal for macOS app. In the menu bar, select Help > Search and enter the key words of your search to quickly find answers to your questions.
Device configuration
Improvements to OEMConfig support for Zebra Technologies devices
Intune fully supports all features provided by Zebra OEMConfig. Customers managing Zebra Technologies devices with Android Enterprise and OEMConfig can deploy multiple OEMConfig profiles to one device. Customers can also view rich reporting about the status of their Zebra OEMConfig profiles.
For more information, see Deploy multiple OEMConfig profiles to Zebra devices in Microsoft Intune.
There is no change in OEMConfig behavior for other OEMs.
Applies to:
- Android Enterprise
- Zebra Technologies devices that support OEMConfig. For specific details on support, contact Zebra.
Configure system extensions on macOS devices
On macOS devices, you can create a kernel extensions profile to configure settings at the kernel-level (Devices > Configuration profiles > macOS for platform > Kernel extensions for profile). Apple is eventually deprecating kernel extensions, and replacing them with system extensions in a future release.
System extensions run in the user space, and don’t have access to the kernel. The goal is to increase security and provide more end user control, while limiting attacks at the kernel level. Both kernel extensions and system extensions allow users to install app extensions that extend the native capabilities of the operating system.
In Intune, you can configure both kernel extensions and system extensions (Devices > Configuration profiles > macOS for platform > System extensions for profile). Kernel extensions apply to 10.13.2 and newer. System extensions apply to 10.15 and newer. From macOS 10.15 to macOS 10.15.4, kernel extensions and system extensions can run side-by-side.
To learn about these extensions on macOS devices, see Add macOS extensions.
Applies to:
Configure app and process privacy preferences on macOS devices
With the release of macOS Catalina 10.15, Apple added new security and privacy enhancements. By default, applications and processes are unable to access specific data without user consent. If users don’t provide consent, the applications and processes may fail to function. Intune is adding support for settings that enable IT administrators to allow or disallow data access consent on behalf of end-users on devices running macOS 10.14 and later. These settings will ensure that applications and processes continue to function properly, and reduce the number of prompts.
For more information on the settings you can manage, see macOS privacy preferences.
Applies to:
Device enrollment
Enrollment restrictions support scope tags
You can now assign scope tags to enrollment restrictions. To do so, go to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Devices > Enrollment restrictions > Create restriction. Create either type of restriction and you’ll see the Scope tags page. For more information, see Set enrollment restrictions.
Autopilot support for Hololens 2 devices
Windows Autopilot now supports Hololens 2 devices. For more information on using Autopilot for Hololens, see Windows Autopilot for HoloLens 2.
Device management
Use sync remote action in bulk for iOS
You can now use the sync remote action on up to 100 iOS devices at a time. To see this feature, go to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Devices > All devices > Bulk device actions.
Automated device sync interval down to 12 hours
For Apple’s Automated Device Enrollment, the automated device sync interval between Intune and Apple Business Manager has been reduced from 24 hours to 12 hours. For more information on sync, see Sync managed devices.
Device security
Derived credentials support for DISA Purebred on Android devices
You can now use DISA Purebred as a derived credentials provider on Android Enterprise fully managed devices. Support includes retrieving a derived credential for DISA Purebred. You can use a derived credential for app authentication, Wi-Fi, VPN, or S/MIME signing and/or encryption with apps that support it.
Send push notifications as an action for noncompliance
You can now configure an action for noncompliance that sends a push notification to a user when their device fails to meet conditions of a compliance policy. The new action is Send push notification to end user, and is supported on Android and iOS devices.
When users select the push notification on their device, the Company Portal or Intune app opens to display details about why they are noncompliant.
Endpoint security content and new features
The documentation for Intune Endpoint Security is now available. In the endpoint security node of the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center you can:
- Create and deploy focused security policies to your managed devices
- Configure integration with Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection, and manage security tasks help remediate risks for at-risk devices as identified by your ATP team
- Configure security baselines
- Manage device compliance and conditional access policies
- View compliance status for all your devices from both Intune and Configuration Manager when Configuration Manager is configured for client attach.
In addition to the availability of content, the following are new for Endpoint Security this month:
- Endpoint security policies are out of preview and are now ready to use in production environments, as generally available, with two exceptions:
- In a new public preview, you can use the Microsoft Defender Firewall rules profile for Windows 10 Firewall policy. With each instance of this profile you can configure up to 150 firewall rules to compliment your Microsoft Defender Firewall profiles.
- Account protection security policy remains in preview.
- You can now create a duplicate of endpoint security policies. Duplicates keep the settings configuration of the original policy, but get a new name. Then new policy instance doesn’t include any assignments to groups until you edit the new policy instance to add them. You can duplicate the following policies:
- Antivirus
- Disk encryption
- Firewall
- Endpoint detection and response
- Attack surface reduction
- Account protection
- You can now create a duplicate of a security baseline. Duplicates keep the settings configuration of the original baseline, but get a new name. The new baseline instance doesn’t include any assignments to groups until you edit the new baseline instance to add them.
- A new report for endpoint security antivirus policy is available: Windows 10 unhealthy endpoints. This report is a new page you can select when your viewing your endpoint security antivirus policy. The report displays the antivirus status of your MDM-managed Windows 10 devices.
Support for S/MIME signing and encryption certificates with Outlook on Android
You can now use certificates for S/MIME signing and encryption with Outlook on Android. With this support, you can provision these certificates by using SCEP, PKCS, and PKCS imported certificate profiles. The following Android platforms are supported:
- Android Enterprise Work Profile
- Android Device Administrator
Support for Android Enterprise Fully Managed devices is coming soon.
For more information about this support, see Sensitivity labeling and protection in Outlook for iOS and Android in the Exchange documentation.
Monitor and troubleshoot
Device reports UI update
The reports overview pane will now provide a Summary and a Reports tab. In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, select Reports, then select the Reports tab to see the available report types. For related information, see Intune reports.
macOS script support
Script support for macOS is now generally available. In addition, we have added support for both user assigned scripts and macOS devices that have been enrolled with Apple’s Automated Device Enrollment (formerly Device Enrollment Program). For more information, see Use shell scripts on macOS devices in Intune.
Week of May 4, 2020
Company Portal for Android guides users to get apps after work profile enrollment
We’ve improved the in-app guidance in Company Portal to make it easier for users to find and install apps. After they enroll in work profile management, users will get a message explaining how to find suggested apps in the badged version of Google Play. The last step in Enroll device with Android profile has been updated to show the new message. Users will also see a new Get Apps link in the Company Portal drawer on the left. To make way for these new and improved experiences, the APPS tab was removed. To see the updated screens, go to UI updates for Intune end-user apps.
Week of April 20, 2020
Device management
Microsoft Endpoint Manager tenant attach: Device sync and device actions
Microsoft Endpoint Manager is bringing together Configuration Manager and Intune into a single console. Starting in Configuration Manager version 2002, you can upload your Configuration Manager devices to the cloud service and take actions on them in the admin center. For more information, see Microsoft Endpoint Manager tenant attach: Device sync and device actions.
App management
Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus rename
Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus is being renamed to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. To learn more, see Name change for Office 365 ProPlus. In our documentation, we’ll commonly refer to it as Microsoft 365 Apps. In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, you can find the apps suite by selecting Apps > Windows > Add. For information about adding apps, see Add apps to Microsoft Intune.
Week of April 13, 2020 (2004 Service release)
App management
Manage S/MIME settings for Outlook on Android Enterprise devices
You can use app configuration policies to manage the S/MIME setting for Outlook on devices that run Android Enterprise. You can also choose whether or not to allow the device users to enable or disable S/MIME in Outlook settings. To use app configuration policies for Android, in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center go to Apps > App configuration policies > Add > Managed devices. For more information about configuring settings for Outlook, see Microsoft Outlook configuration settings.
Pre-release testing for Managed Google Play apps
Organizations that are using Google Play’s closed test tracks for app pre-release testing can manage these tracks with Intune. You can selectively assign apps that are published to Google Play’s pre-production tracks to pilot groups in order to perform testing. In Intune, you can see whether an app has a pre-production build test track published to it, as well as be able to assign that track to AAD user or device groups. This feature is available for all of our currently supported Android Enterprise scenarios (work profile, fully managed, and dedicated). In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, you can add a Managed Google Play app by selecting Apps > Android > Add. For more information, see Working with Managed Google Play Closed Testing Tracks.
Microsoft Teams is now included in the Office 365 Suite for macOS
Users who are assigned Microsoft Office for macOS in Microsoft Endpoint Manager will now receive Microsoft Teams in addition to the existing Microsoft Office apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote). Intune will recognize the existing Mac devices that have the other Office for macOS apps installed, and will attempt to install Microsoft Teams the next time the device checks in with Intune. In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, you can find the Office 365 Suite for macOS by selecting Apps > macOS > Add. For more information, see Assign Office 365 to macOS devices with Microsoft Intune.
Update to Android app configuration policies
Android app configuration policies have been updated to allow admins to select the device enrollment type before creating an app config profile. The functionality is being added to account for certificate profiles that are based on enrollment type (Work profile or Device Owner). This update provides the following:
- If a new profile is created and Work Profile and Device Owner Profile are selected for device enrollment type, you will not be able to associate a certificate profile with the app config policy.
- If a new profile is created and Work Profile only is selected, Work Profile certificate policies created under Device Configuration can be utilized.
- If a new profile is created and Device Owner only is selected, Device Owner certificate policies created under Device Configuration can be utilized.
Existing policies created prior to the release of this feature (April 2020 release – 2004) that do not have any certificate profiles associated with the policy will default to Work Profile and Device Owner Profile for device enrollment type. Also, existing policies created prior to the release of this feature that have certificate profiles associated with them will default to Work Profile only.
Additionally, we are adding Gmail and Nine email configuration profiles that will work for both Work Profile and Device Owner enrollment types, including the use of certificate profiles on both email configuration types. Any Gmail or Nine policies that you have created under Device Configuration for Work Profiles will continue to apply to the device and it is not necessary to move them to app configuration policies.
In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, you can find app configuration policies by selecting Apps > App configuration policies. For more information about app configuration policies, see App configuration policies for Microsoft Intune.
Push notification when device ownership type is changed
You can configure a push notification to send to both your Android and iOS Company Portal users when their device ownership type has been changed from Personal to Corporate as a privacy courtesy. This push notification is set to off by default. The setting can be found in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager by selecting Tenant administration > Customization. To learn more about how device ownership affects your end-users, see Change device ownership.
Group targeting support for Customization pane
You can target the settings in the Customization pane to user groups. To find these settings in Intune, navigate to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, select Tenant administration > Customization. For more information about customization, see How to customize the Intune Company Portal apps, Company Portal website, and Intune app.
Device configuration
Multiple “Evaluate each connection attempt” on-demand VPN rules supported on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS
The Intune user experience allows multiple on-demand VPN rules in the same VPN profile with the Evaluate each connection attempt action (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > iOS/iPadOS or macOS for platform > VPN for profile > Automatic VPN > On-demand).
It only honored the first rule in the list. This behavior is fixed, and Intune evaluates all rules in the list. Each rule is evaluated in the order it appears in the on-demand rules list.
If you have existing VPN profiles that use these on-demand VPN rules, the fix applies the next time you change the VPN profile. For example, make a minor change, such as change the connection the name, and then save the profile.
If you’re using SCEP certificates for authentication, this change causes the certificates for this VPN profile to be re-issued.
Applies to:
For more information on VPN profiles, see Create VPN profiles.
Additional options in SSO and SSO app extension profiles on iOS/iPadOS devices
On iOS/iPadOS devices, you can:
- In SSO profiles (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > iOS/iPadOS for platform > Device features for profile > Single sign-on), set the Kerberos principal name to be the Security Account Manager (SAM) account name in SSO profiles.
- In SSO app extension profiles (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > iOS/iPadOS for platform > Device features for profile > Single sign-on app extension), configure the iOS/iPadOS Microsoft Azure AD extension with fewer clicks by using a new SSO app extension type. You can enable the Azure AD extension for devices in shared device mode and send extension-specific data to the extension.
Applies to:
For more information on using single sign-on on iOS/iPadOS devices, see Single sign-on app extension overview and Single sign-on settings list.
Device enrollment
Delete Apple Automated Device Enrollment token when default profile is present
Previously, you couldn’t delete a default profile, which meant that you couldn’t delete the Automated Device Enrollment token associated with it. Now, you can delete the token when:
- no devices are assigned to the token
- a default profile is present
To do so, delete the default profile and then delete the associated token.
For more information, see Delete an ADE token from Intune.
Scaled up support for Apple Automated Device Enrollment and Apple Configurator 2 devices, profiles, and tokens
To help distributed IT departments and organizations, Intune now supports up to 1000 enrollment profiles per token, 2000 Automated Device Enrollment (formerly known as DEP) tokens per Intune account, and 75,000 devices per token. There is no specific limit for devices per enrollment profile, below the maximum number of devices per token.
Intune now supports up to 1000 Apple Configurator 2 profiles.
For more information, see Supported volume.
All devices page column entry changes
On the All devices page, the entries for the Managed by column have changed:
- Intune is now displayed instead of MDM
- Co-managed is now displayed instead of MDM/ConfigMgr Agent
The export values are unchanged.
Device management
Trusted Platform Manager (TPM) Version information now on Device Hardware page
You can now see the TPM version number on a device’s hardware page (Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Devices > choose a device > Hardware > look under System enclosure).
Monitor and troubleshoot
Collect logs to better troubleshoot scripts assigned to macOS devices
You can now collect logs for improved troubleshooting of scripts assigned to macOS devices. You can collect logs up to 60 MB (compressed) or 25 files, whichever occurs first. For more information, see Troubleshoot macOS shell script policies using log collection.
Derived credentials to provision Android Enterprise Fully Managed devices with certificates
Intune now supports use of derived credentials as an authentication method for Android devices. Derived credentials are an implementation of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-157 standard for deploying certificates to devices. Our support for Android expands on our support for devices that run iOS/iPadOS.
Derived credentials rely on the use of a Personal Identity Verification (PIV) or Common Access Card (CAC) card, like a smart card. To get a derived credential for their mobile device, users start in the Microsoft Intune app and follow an enrollment workflow that is unique to the provider you use. Common to all providers is the requirement to use a smart card on a computer to authenticate to the derived credential provider. That provider then issues a certificate to the device that’s derived from the user’s smart card.
You can use derived credentials as the authentication method for device configuration profiles for VPN and WiFi. You can also use them for app authentication, and S/MIME signing and encryption for applications that support it.
Intune now supports the following derived credential providers with Android:
- Entrust Datacard
- Intercede
A third provider, DISA Purebred, will be available for Android in a future release.
Microsoft Edge security baseline is now Generally Available
A new version of the Microsoft Edge security baseline is now available, and is released as generally available (GA). The previous Edge baseline was in Preview. The new baseline version ins April 2020 (Edge version 80 and later).
With the release of this new baseline, you’ll no longer be able to create profiles based on the previous baseline versions, but you can continue to use profiles you created with those versions. You can also choose to update your existing profiles to use the latest baseline version.
Week of April 6, 2020
New shell script settings for macOS devices
When configuring shell scripts for macOS devices, you can now configure the following new settings:
- Hide script notifications on devices
- Script frequency
- Maximum number of times to retry if script fails
For more information, see Use shell scripts on macOS devices in Intune.
Week of March 30, 2020
New URL for the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center
To align with the announcement of Microsoft Endpoint Manager at Ignite last year, we have changed the URL for the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center (formerly Microsoft 365 Device Management) to https://endpoint.microsoft.com. The old admin center URL (https://devicemanagement.microsoft.com) will continue to work, but we recommend you start accessing the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center using the new URL.
For more information, see Simplify IT tasks using the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center.
App management
Company Portal for iOS supports landscape mode
Users can now enroll their devices, find apps, and get IT support using the screen orientation of their choice. The app will automatically detect and adjust screens to fit portrait or landscape mode, unless users lock the screen in portrait mode.
Script support for macOS devices (Public Preview)
You can add and deploy scripts to macOS devices. This support extends your ability to configure macOS devices beyond what is possible using native MDM capabilities on macOS devices. For more information, see Use shell scripts on macOS devices in Intune.
Week of March 24, 2020
Improved user interface experience when creating device restrictions profiles on Android and Android Enterprise devices
When you create a profile for Android or Android Enterprise devices, the experience in the Endpoint Management admin center is updated. This change impacts the following device configuration profiles (Devices > Configuration Profiles > Create profile > Android device administrator or Android Enterprise for platform):
- Device restrictions: Android device administrator
- Device restrictions: Android Enterprise device owner
- Device restrictions: Android Enterprise work profile
For more information on the device restrictions you can configure, see Android device administrator and Android Enterprise.
Improved user interface experience when creating configuration profiles on iOS/iPadOS and macOS devices
When you create a profile for iOS or macOS devices, the experience in the Endpoint Management admin center is updated. This change impacts the following device configuration profiles (Devices > Configuration Profiles > Create profile > iOS/iPadOS or macOS for platform):
- Custom: iOS/iPadOS, macOS
- Device features: iOS/iPadOS, macOS
- Device restrictions: iOS/iPadOS, macOS
- Endpoint protection: macOS
- Extensions: macOS
- Preference file: macOS
Hide from user configuration setting in device features on macOS devices
When you create a device features configuration profile on macOS devices, there’s a new Hide from user configuration setting (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > macOS for platform > Device features for profile > Login items).
This feature sets an app’s hide checkmark in the Users & Groups login items apps list on macOS devices. Existing profiles show this setting within the list as unconfigured. To configure this setting, administrators can update existing profiles.
When set to Hide, the hide checkbox is checked for the app, and users can’t change it. It also hides the app from users after users sign in to their devices.
For more information on the setting you can configure, see macOS device feature settings.
This feature applies to:
Week of March 16, 2020 (2003 Service release)
App management
macOS and iOS Company Portal updates
The Profile pane of the macOS and iOS Company Portal has been updated to include the sign-out button. Additionally, UI improvements have been made to the Profile pane in the macOS Company Portal. For more information about the Company Portal, see How to configure the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app.
Retarget web clips to Microsoft Edge on iOS devices
Newly deployed web clips (pinned web apps) on iOS devices that are required to open in a protected browser, will open in Microsoft Edge rather than the Intune Managed Browser. You must retarget pre-existing web clips to ensure they open in Microsoft Edge rather than the Managed Browser. For more information, see Manage web access by using Microsoft Edge with Microsoft Intune and Add web apps to Microsoft Intune.
Use the Intune diagnostic tool with Microsoft Edge for Android
Microsoft Edge for Android is now integrated with the Intune diagnostic tool. Similarly to the experience on Microsoft Edge for iOS, entering “about:intunehelp” into the URL bar (the address box) of Microsoft Edge on the device will start the Intune diagnostic tool. This tool will provide detailed logs. Users can be guided to collect and send these logs to their IT department, or view MAM logs for specific apps.
Updates to Intune branding and customization
We have updated the Intune pane that was named “Branding and customization” with improvements, including:
- Renaming the pane to Customization.
- Improving the organization and design of the settings.
- Improving the settings text and tooltips.
To find these settings in Intune, navigate to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, select Tenant administration > Customization. For information about existing customization, see How to configure the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app.
User’s personal encrypted recovery key
A new Intune feature is available that enables users to retrieve their personal encrypted FileVault recovery key for Mac devices through the Android Company Portal application or through the Android Intune application. There is a link in both the Company Portal application and Intune application that will open a Chrome browser to the Web Company Portal where the user can see the FileVault recovery key needed to access their Mac devices. For more information about encryption, see Use device Encryption with Intune.
Optimized dedicated device enrollment
We’re optimizing the enrollment for Android Enterprise dedicated devices and making it easier for SCEP certificates associated with Wi-Fi to apply to dedicated devices enrolled prior to November 22, 2019. For new enrollments, the Intune app will continue to install, but end-users will no longer need to perform the Enable Intune Agent step during enrollment. Installment will happen in the background automatically and SCEP certificates associated with Wi-Fi can be deployed and set without end-user interaction.
These changes will be rolling out on a phased basis throughout the month of March as the Intune service backend deploys. All tenants will have this new behavior by the end of March. For related information, see Support for SCEP certificates in Android Enterprise dedicated devices.
Device configuration
New user experience when creating administrative templates on Windows devices
Based on customer feedback, and our move to the new Azure full screen experience, we’ve rebuilt the Administrative Templates profile experience with a folder view. We haven’t made changes to any settings or existing profiles. So, your existing profiles will stay the same, and will be usable in the new view. You can still navigate all settings options by selecting All Settings, and using search. The tree view is split by Computer and User configurations. You will find Windows, Office, and Edge settings in their associated folders.
Applies to:
VPN profiles with IKEv2 VPN connections can use always on with iOS/iPadOS devices
On iOS/iPadOS devices, you can create a VPN profile that uses an IKEv2 connection (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > iOS/iPadOS for platform > VPN for profile type). Now, you can configure always-on with IKEv2. When configured, IKEv2 VPN profiles connect automatically, and stay connected (or quickly reconnect) to the VPN. It stays connected even when moving between networks or restarting devices.
On iOS/iPadOS, always-on VPN is limited to IKEv2 profiles.
To see the IKEv2 settings you can configure, go to Add VPN settings on iOS devices in Microsoft Intune.
Applies to:
Delete bundles and bundle arrays in OEMConfig device configuration profiles on Android Enterprise devices
On Android Enterprise devices, you create and update OEMConfig profiles (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > Android Enterprise for platform > OEMConfig for profile type). Users can now delete bundles and bundle arrays using the Configuration designer in Intune.
For more information on OEMConfig profiles, see Use and manage Android Enterprise devices with OEMConfig in Microsoft Intune.
Applies to:
Configure the iOS/iPadOS Microsoft Azure AD SSO app extension
The Microsoft Azure AD team created a redirect single sign-on (SSO) app extension to allow iOS/iPadOS 13.0+ users to gain access to Microsoft apps and websites with one sign-on. All apps that previously had brokered authentication with the Microsoft Authenticator app will continue to get SSO with the new SSO extension. With the Azure AD SSO app extension release, you can configure the SSO extension with the redirect SSO app extension type (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > iOS/iPadOS for platform > Device features for profile type > Single sign-on app extension).
Applies to:
- iOS 13.0 and newer
- iPadOS 13.0 and newer
For more information about iOS SSO app extensions, see Single sign-on app extension.
Enterprise app trust settings modification setting is removed from iOS/iPadOS device restriction profiles
On iOS/iPadOS devices, you create a device restrictions profile (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile > iOS/iPadOS for platform > Device restrictions for profile type). The Enterprise app trust settings modification setting is removed by Apple, and is removed from Intune. If you currently use this setting in a profile, it has no impact, and is removed from existing profiles. This setting is also removed from any reporting in Intune.
Applies to:
To see the settings you can restrict, go to iOS and iPadOS device settings to allow or restrict features.
Troubleshooting: Pending MAM policy notification changed to informational icon
The notification icon for a pending MAM policy on the Troubleshooting blade has been change to an informational icon.
UI update when configuring compliance policy
We’ve updated the UI for creating compliance policies in Microsoft Endpoint manager (Devices > Compliance policies > Policies > Create Policy). We’ve a new user experience that includes the same settings and details you’ve used previously. The new experience follows a wizard-like process to create the compliance policy and includes a page where you can add Assignments for the policy, and a Review + Create page where you can review your configuration before creating the policy.
Retire noncompliant devices
We’ve added a new action for noncompliant devices that you can add to any policy, to retire the noncompliant device. The new action, Retire the noncompliant device, results in removal of all company data from the device, and also removes the device from being managed by Intune. This action runs when the configured value in days is reached and at that point the device becomes eligible to be retired. The minimum value is 30 days. Explicit IT admin approval will be required to retire the devices by using the Retire Non-compliant devices section, where admins can retire all eligible devices.
Support for WPA and WPA2 in iOS Enterprise Wi-Fi profiles
Enterprise Wi-Fi profiles for iOS now support the Security type field. For Security type, you can select either of WPA Enterprise or WPA/WPA2 Enterprise, and then specify a selection for the EAP type. (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile and select iOS/iPadOS for Platform and then Wi-Fi for Profile).
The new Enterprise options are like those that have been available for a Basic Wi-Fi profile for iOS.
New user experience for certificate, email, VPN, and Wi-Fi, VPN profiles
We’ve updated the user experience in the Endpoint Management Admin Center (Devices > Configuration profiles > Create profile) for creating and modifying the following profile types. The new experience presents the same settings as before, but uses a wizard-like experience that doesn’t require as much horizontal scrolling. You won’t need to modify existing configurations with the new experience.
- Derived credential
- PKCS certificate
- PKCS imported certificate
- SCEP certificate
- Trusted certificate
- Wi-Fi
Device enrollment
Configure if enrollment is available in Company Portal for Android and iOS
You can configure whether device enrollment in the Company Portal on Android and iOS devices is available with prompts, available without prompts, or unavailable to users. To find these settings in Intune, navigate to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center and, select Tenant administration > Customization > Edit > Device enrollment.
Support for the device enrollment setting requires end users have these Company Portal versions:
- Company Portal on iOS: version 4.4 or later
- Company Portal on Android: version 5.0.4715.0 or later
For more information about existing Company Portal customization, see How to configure the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app.
Device management
New Android report on Android Devices overview page
We’ve added a report to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin console in the Android Devices overview page that displays how many Android devices have been enrolled in each device management solution. This chart (like the same chart already in the Azure console) shows work profile, fully managed, dedicated, and device administrator enrolled device counts. To see the report, choose Devices > Android > Overview.
Guide users from Android device administrator management to work profile management
We’re releasing a new compliance setting for the Android device administrator platform. This setting lets you make a device non-compliant if it’s managed with device administrator.
On these non-compliant devices, on the Update device settings page users will see the Move to new device management setup message. If they tap the Resolve button, they’ll be guided through:
- Unenrolling from device administrator management
- Enrolling in work profile management
- Resolving compliance issues
Google is decreasing device administrator support in new Android releases in an effort to move to modern, richer, and more secure device management with Android Enterprise. Intune can only provide full support for device administrator-managed Android devices running Android 10 and later through Q2 CY2020. Device administrator-managed devices (except Samsung) that are running Android 10 or later after this time won’t be able to be entirely managed. In particular, impacted devices won’t receive new password requirements.
For more information about this setting, see Move Android devices from device administrator to work profile management.
Monitor and troubleshoot
The Data Warehouse now provides the MAC address
The Intune Data Warehouse provides the MAC address as a new property (EthernetMacAddress
) in the device
entity to allow admins to correlate between the user and host mac address. This property helps to reach specific users and troubleshoot incidents occurring on the network. Admins can also use this property in Power BI reports to build richer reports. For more information, see the Intune Data Warehouse device entity.
Additional Data Warehouse device inventory properties
Additional device inventory properties are available using the Intune Data Warehouse. The following properties are now exposed via the devices beta collection:
– The unique network identifier of this device.model
– The device model.office365Version
– The version of Office 365 that is installed on the device.windowsOsEdition
– The Operating System version.
The following properties are now exposed via the devicePropertyHistory beta collection:
– The physical memory in bytes.totalStorageSpaceInBytes
– Total storage capacity in bytes.
For more information, see Microsoft Intune Data Warehouse API.
Help and support workflow update to support additional services
We’ve updated the Help and support page in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center where you now choose the management type you use. With this change you’ll be able to select from the following management types:
- Configuration Manager (includes Desktop Analytics)
- Intune
- Co-management
Use a preview of security administrator focused policies as part of Endpoint security
As a public preview, we’ve added several new policy groups under the Endpoint security node in the Microsoft Endpoint Management admin center. As a security admin you can use these new policies to focus on specific aspects of device security to manage discrete groups of related settings without the overhead of the larger Device Configuration policy body.
With the exception of the new Antivirus policy for Microsoft Defender Antivirus (see below), the settings in each new of these new preview policies and profiles are the same settings that you might already configure through Device configuration profiles today.
The following are the new policy types that are all in preview, and their available profile types:
- Antivirus (Preview):
- macOS:
- Windows 10 and later:
- Microsoft Defender Antivirus – Manage Antivirus policy settings for cloud protection, Antivirus exclusions, remediation, scan options, and more.
The Antivirus profile for Microsoft Defender Antivirus is an exception that introduces a new instance of settings that are found as part of a device restriction profile. These new Antivirus settings:
- Are the same settings as found in device restrictions, but support a third option for configuration that’s not available when configured as a device restriction.
- Apply to devices that are co-managed with Configuration Manager, when the co-management workload slider for Endpoint Protection is set to Intune.
Plan to use the new Antivirus > Microsoft Defender Antivirus profile in place of configuring them through a device restriction profile.
- Microsoft Defender Antivirus – Manage Antivirus policy settings for cloud protection, Antivirus exclusions, remediation, scan options, and more.
- Windows Security experience – Manage the Windows Security settings that end users can view in the Microsoft Defender Security center and the notifications they receive. These settings are unchanged from those available as a Device configuration Endpoint Protection profile.
- Disk encryption (Preview):
- macOS:
- Windows 10 and later:
- Firewall (Preview):
- macOS:
- Windows 10 and later:
- Microsoft Defender Firewall
- Endpoint detection and response (Preview):
- Windows 10 and later:
–Windows 10 Intune
- Windows 10 and later:
- Attack surface reduction (Preview):
- Windows 10 and later:
- App and browser isolation
- Web protection
- Application control
- Attack surface reduction rules
- Device control
- Exploit protection
- Windows 10 and later:
- Account protection (Preview):
Week of March 9, 2020
App management
Configure Delivery Optimization agent when downloading Win32 app content
You can configure the Delivery Optimization agent to download Win32 app content either in background or foreground mode based on assignment. For existing Win32 apps, content will continue to download in background mode. In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, select Apps > All apps > select the Win32 app > Properties. Select Edit next to Assignments. Edit the assignment by selecting Include under Mode in the Required section. You will find the new setting in the App settings section. For more information about Delivery Optimization, see Win32 app management – Delivery Optimization.
Device management
Change Primary User for Windows devices
You can change the Primary User for Windows hybrid and Azure AD Joined devices. To do so, go to Intune > Devices > All devices > choose a device > Properties > Primary User. For more information, see Change a device’s primary user.
A new RBAC permission (Managed Devices / Set primary user) has also been created for this task. The permission has been added to built-in roles including Helpdesk Operator, School Administrator, and Endpoint Security Manager.
This feature is rolling out to customers globally under preview. You should see the feature within the next few weeks.
Week of March 2, 2020
Device management
Microsoft Endpoint Manager tenant attach: Device sync and device actions
Microsoft Endpoint Manager is bringing together Configuration Manager and Intune into a single console. Starting in Configuration Manager technical preview version 2002.2, you can upload your Configuration Manager devices to the cloud service and take actions on them in the admin center. For more information, see Features in Configuration Manager technical preview version 2002.2.
Review the Configuration Manager technical preview article before installing this update. This article familiarizes you with the general requirements and limitations for using a technical preview, how to update between versions, and how to provide feedback.
Bulk remote actions
You can now issue bulk commands for the following remote actions: restart, rename, Autopilot reset, wipe, and delete. To see the new bulk actions, go to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Devices > All devices > Bulk actions.
All devices list improved search, sort, and filter
The All devices list has been improved for better performance, searching, sorting, and filtering. For more information, see this Support Tip.
App management
Improved sign-in experience in Company Portal for Android
We’ve updated the layout of several sign-in screens in the Company Portal app for Android to make the experience more modern, simple, and clean for users. For a look at the improvements, see What’s New in the app UI.
Week of February 24, 2020
App management
macOS Company Portal user experience improvements
We have made improvements to the macOS device enrollment experience and the Company Portal app for Mac. You will see the following improvements:
- A better Microsoft AutoUpdate experience during enrollment that will ensure your users have the latest version of the Company Portal.
- An enhanced compliance check step during enrollment.
- Support for copied Incident IDs, so your users can send errors from their devices to your company support team faster.
For more information about enrollment and the Company Portal app for Mac, see Enroll your macOS device using the Company Portal app.
App protection policies for Better Mobile now supports iOS and iPadOS
In October of 2019, Intune app protection policy added the capability to use data from our Microsoft Threat Defense partners. With this update, you can now use an app protection policy to block, or selectively wipe the users corporate data based on the health of a device using Better Mobile on iOS and iPadOS. For more information, see Create Mobile Threat Defense app protection policy with Intune.
Device management
Exports from the All devices list now in zipped CSV format
Exports from the Devices > All devices page are now in zipped CSV format.
Week of February 17, 2020 (2002 Service release)
App management
Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) app for macOS
Intune provides an easy way to deploy the Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) app for macOS to managed Mac devices. For more information, see Add Microsoft Defender ATP to macOS devices using Microsoft Intune and Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection for Mac.
Device configuration
Enable network access control (NAC) with Cisco AnyConnect VPN on iOS devices
On iOS devices, you can create a VPN profile, and use different connection types, including Cisco AnyConnect (Device configuration > Profiles > Create profile > iOS for platform > VPN for profile type > Cisco AnyConnect for connection type).
You can enable network access control (NAC) with Cisco AnyConnect. To use this feature:
- At Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, use the steps in Configuring Microsoft Intune as an MDM Server to configure the Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) in Azure.
- In the Intune device configuration profile, select the Enable Network Access Control (NAC) setting.
To see all the available VPN settings, go to Configure VPN settings on iOS devices.
Device enrollment
Serial number on the Apple MDM Push certificate page
The Apple MDM Push certificate page now shows the serial number. The serial number is needed to regain access to the Apple MDM Push certificate if access to the Apple ID that created the certificate is lost. To see the serial number, go to Devices > iOS > iOS enrollment > Apple MDM Push certificate.
Device management
New update schedule options for pushing OS updates to enrolled iOS/iPadOS devices
You can choose from the following options when scheduling operating system updates for iOS/iPadOS devices. These options apply to devices that that used the Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager enrollment types.
- Update at next check-in
- Update during scheduled time
- Update outside of scheduled time
For the latter two options, you can create multiple time windows.
To see the new options, go to MEM > Devices > iOS > Update policies for iOS/iPadOS > Create profile.
Choose which iOS/iPadOS updates to push to enrolled devices
You can choose a specific iOS/iPadOS update (except for the most recent update) to push to devices that have enrolled by using either Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager. Such devices must have a device configuration policy set to delay software update visibility for some number of days. To see this feature, go to MEM > Devices > iOS > Update policies for iOS/iPadOS > Create profile.
Device security
Improved Intune reporting experience
Intune now provides an improved reporting experience, including new report types, better report organization, more focused views, improved report functionality, as well as more consistent and timely data. The reporting experience will move from public preview to GA (general availability). Additionally, the GA release will provide localization support, bug fixes, design improvements, and aggregate device compliance data on tiles in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center.
New report types focus on the following information:
- Operational – Provides fresh records with a negative health focus.
- Organizational – Provides a broader summary of the overall state.
- Historical – Provides patterns and trends over a period of time.
- Specialist – Allows you to use raw data to create your own custom reports.
The first set of new reports focuses on device compliance. For more information, see Blog – Microsoft Intune reporting framework and Intune reports.
Consolidated the location of security baselines in the UI
We’ve consolidated the paths to find security baselines in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center by removing Security baselines from several UI locations. To find Security baselines, you now use the following path: Endpoint security > Security baselines.
Expanded support for imported PKCS certificates
We’ve expanded support for using imported PKCS certificates to support Android Enterprise fully managed devices. Generally, importing PFX certificates is used for S/MIME encryption scenarios, where a user’s encryption certificates are required on all of their devices so that email decryption can occur.
The following platforms support import of PFX certificates:
- Android – Device Administrator
- Android Enterprise – Fully Managed
- Android Enterprise – Work profile
- iOS
- Mac
- Windows 10
View the endpoint security configuration for devices
We’ve updated the name of the option in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, for viewing endpoint security configurations that apply to a specific device. This option is renamed to Endpoint security configuration because it shows applicable security baselines and additional policies created outside of security baselines. Previously, this option was named Security baselines.
Role-based access control
Intune Roles user interface changes coming
The user interface for Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center > Tenant administration > Roles has been improved to a more user-friendly and intuitive design. This experience provides the same settings and details that you use now, however the new experience employs a wizard-like process.
Week of February 17, 2020
App management
Microsoft’s new Office app
Microsoft’s new Office app is now generally available for download and use. The Office app is a consolidated experience where your users can work across Word, Excel, and PowerPoint within a single app. You can target the app with an app protection policy to ensure the data being accessed is protected.
For more information, see How to enable Intune app protection policies with the Office mobile preview app.
Week of February 10, 2020
Windows 7 ends extended support
Windows 7 reached end of extended support on January 14, 2020. Intune deprecated support for devices running Windows 7 at the same time. Technical assistance and automatic updates that help protect your PC are no longer available. You should upgrade to Windows 10. For more information, see the Plan for Change blog post.
App management
Microsoft Edge version 77 and later on Windows 10 devices
Intune now supports uninstalling Microsoft Edge version 77 and later on Windows 10 devices. For more information, see Add Microsoft Edge for Windows 10 to Microsoft Intune.
Screen removed from Company Portal, Android work profile enrollment
The What’s next? screen has been removed from the Android work profile enrollment flow in Company Portal to streamline the user experience. Go to Enroll with Android work profile to see the updated Android work profile enrollment flow.
Company Portal app improved performance
The Company Portal app has been updated to support improved performance for devices that use ARM64 processors, such as the Surface Pro X. Previously, the Company Portal operated in an emulated ARM32 mode. Now, in version 10.4.7080.0 and above, the Company Portal app is natively compiled for ARM64. For more information about the Company Portal app, see How to configure the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app.
What’s New archive
For previous months, see the What’s New archive.
These notices provide important information that can help you prepare for future Intune changes and features.
Microsoft Intune support for Windows 10 Mobile ending
Microsoft mainstream support for Windows 10 Mobile ended in December 2019. As mentioned in this support statement, Windows 10 Mobile users will no longer be eligible to receive new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free assisted support options or online technical content updates from Microsoft. Based on the all-up Mobile OS support, Microsoft Intune will now end support for both the Company Portal for the Windows 10 Mobile app and the Windows 10 Mobile Operating System on August 10, 2020.
How does this affect me?
If you have Windows 10 Mobile devices deployed in your organization, between now and August 10, 2020 you can enroll new devices, add, or remove policies and apps, or update any management settings. After August 10, we will stop new enrollments, and eventually remove Windows 10 Mobile management from the Intune UI. Devices will no longer check into the Intune service and we will delete device and policy data.
What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
You can check your Intune reporting to see what devices or users may be affected. Go to Devices > All devices and filter by OS. You can add in additional columns to help identify who in your organization has devices running Windows 10 Mobile. Request that your end users upgrade their devices or discontinue using the devices for corporate access.
End of support for legacy PC management
Legacy PC management is going out of support on October 15, 2020. Upgrade devices to Windows 10 and reenroll them as Mobile Device Management (MDM) devices to keep them managed by Intune.
Move to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center for all your Intune management
In MC208118 posted last March, we introduced a new, simple URL for your Microsoft Endpoint Manager – Intune administration: https://endpoint.microsoft.com. Microsoft Endpoint Manager is a unified platform that includes Microsoft Intune and Configuration Manager. Starting August 1, 2020, we will remove Intune administration at https://portal.azure.com and recommend you instead use https://endpoint.microsoft.com for all your endpoint management.
Decreasing support for Android device administrator
Android device administrator management was released in Android 2.2 as a way to manage Android devices. Then beginning with Android 5, the more modern management framework of Android Enterprise was released (for devices that can reliably connect to Google Mobile Services). Google is encouraging movement off of device administrator management by decreasing its management support in new Android releases.
How does this affect me?
Because of these changes by Google, in the fourth quarter of 2020, you will no longer have as extensive management capabilities on impacted device administrator-managed devices.
Device types that will be impacted
Devices that will be impacted by the decreasing device administrator support are those for which all three conditions below apply:
- Enrolled in device administrator management.
- Running Android 10 or later.
- Not a Samsung device.
Devices will not be impacted if they are any of the below:
- Not enrolled with device administrator management.
- Running an Android version below Android 10.
- Samsung devices. Samsung Knox devices won’t be impacted in this timeframe because extended support is provided through Intune’s integration with the Knox platform. This gives you additional time to plan the transition off device administrator management for Samsung devices.
Settings that will be impacted
Google’s decreased device administrator support prevents configuration of these settings from applying on impacted devices.
Configuration profile device restriction settings
- Block Camera
- Set Minimum password length
- Set Number of sign-in failures before wiping device (will not apply on devices without a password set, but will apply on devices with a password)
- Set Password expiration (days)
- Set Required password type
- Set Prevent use of previous passwords
- Block Smart Lock and other trust agents
Compliance policy settings
- Set Required password type
- Set Minimum password length
- Set Number of days until password expires
- Set Number of previous passwords to prevent reuse
Additional impacts based on Android OS version
Android 10: For all device administrator-managed devices (including Samsung) running Android 10 and later, Google has restricted the ability for device administrator management agents like Company Portal to access device identifier information. This restriction impacts the following Intune features after a device is updated to Android 10 or later:
- Network access control for VPN will no longer work
- Identifying devices as corporate-owned with an IMEI or serial number won’t automatically mark devices as corporate-owned
- The IMEI and serial number will no longer be visible to IT admins in Intune
Android 11: We are currently testing Android 11 support on the latest developer beta release to evaluate if it will cause impact on device administrator-managed devices.
User experience of impacted settings on impacted devices
Impacted configuration settings:
- For already enrolled devices that already had the settings applied, the impacted configuration settings will continue being enforced.
- For newly enrolled devices, newly assigned settings, and updated settings, the impacted configuration settings will not be enforced (but all other configuration settings will still be enforced).
Impacted compliance settings:
- For already enrolled devices that already had the settings applied, the impacted compliance settings will still show as reasons for noncompliance on the “Update device settings” page, the device will be out of compliance, and the password requirements will still be enforced in the Settings app.
- For newly enrolled devices, newly assigned settings, and updated settings, the impacted compliance settings will still show as reasons for noncompliance on the “Update device settings” page and the device will be out of compliance, but stricter password requirements will not be enforced in the Settings app.
Cause of impact
Devices will begin being impacted in the fourth quarter of 2020. At that time, there will be a Company Portal app update that will increase the Company Portal API targeting from level 28 to level 29 (as required by Google).
At that point, device administrator-managed devices that are not manufactured by Samsung will be impacted once the user completes both these actions:
- Updates to Android 10 or later.
- Updates the Company Portal app to the version that targets API level 29.
What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
To avoid the reduction in functionality coming in the fourth quarter of 2020, we recommend the following:
Additional information
Plan for Change: Intune Enrollment Flow Update for Apple’s Automated Device Enrollment for iOS/iPadOS
In the July Company Portal release, we’ll be changing the iOS/iPadOS enrollment flow for Apple’s Automated Device Enrollment (formerly known as DEP). The enrollment flow change is only encountered during the “Enroll with User Affinity” flow. Previously, if you set the “Install Company Portal” to “no” as part of your configuration, users could still install the Company Portal app from the store which would then trigger enrollment where the user would add in the appropriate serial number. With this upcoming Company Portal release, we’ll be removing that serial number confirmation screen. Instead, you’ll want to create a corresponding app configuration policy to send down alongside the Company Portal to ensure that users can successfully enroll, or set the “Install Company Portal” to “Yes” as part of your configuration.
- See the post here for more info.